Kehillat Darchei Noam is based on the values of inclusiveness and equality, and the idea that every human being of every age, gender,socio-cultural background and personality should be welcomed for his or her own vital contribution to make to the religious life of the community.
The community seeks to maximize women's participation in the services, including leading the worship, teaching the community and holding key lay leadership positions, while consistently searching for avenues within the halakha to advance women’s roles even further. Specifically, women participate in the services by leading Kabbalat Shabbat, Psukei D'zimra, taking out and returning the Torah to the Ark, reading Torah and haftarot, giving D'vrei Torah, and leading certain other prayers (e.g. Hallel Katan, Avinu Malkenu during the High Holidays, etc.). Please visit the Jewish resources section on this website for links to relevant articles and halakhic resources.
Our Community
Communal life at Kehillat Darchei Noam is rich with programming, from three different children’s services, community activism, cultural events and lectures, holiday parties and ceremonies, weekends away and outings to build connectedness.
The synagogue is also wheelchair accessible, and is inclusive of Jews from all backgrounds and lifestyles. The synagogue actively promotes and engages in social activism and volunteerism, from collecting food for poor families, to bringing music to Ethiopian preschoolers. The synagogue also offers special opportunities for adolescents to get involved, such as leading certain parts of services, tutoring for Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, taking part in the children's choir, running children’s services, community service, Shabbat clubs, and social events like bowling or movie nights.